
Packing And Moving Tips To Make Your Move More Simple

06 Oct 2020

Packing And Moving Tips To Make Your Move More Simple

Posted by: admin

So you got a new place? Congratulations! Now it’s time to get down to the business of packing and moving everything without burning a hole in your wallet or breaking all of your furniture. We have put together a list of quality tips on moving that will make your transition easier.

You can trust that with 130 years of moving experience, we’ve got the attention to detail, personal care, and professional services to back it up.

  1. Declutter everything

moving tips

Don’t actually get rid of everything, but remember, the more stuff you can donate and sell, the fewer things you have to pack up, move, unpack, and reorganize. One of the best in the business, Ellen Delap, says to go room by room and eliminate anything broken, not used, and what you know is trash. You can donate items to your local salvation army, goodwill, or veterans organization. Always remember the old adage, “One person’s trash is another person’s treasure. Don’t forget to hold a pre-move garage sale.

  1. Categorize, Categorize, Categorize

packing to move tips

As the famous Marie Kondo writes, “When we disperse the storage of a particular item throughout the house and tidy one place at a time, we can never grasp the overall volume and therefore can never finish. To escape this negative spiral, tidy by category, not by place.”

Categorize your items from easiest to let go of to the hardest. A moving company’s dream is to walk into a place where everything down to the miscellaneous items is categorized and inventoried. This process can take hours or days in some cases. Set out a block of time or two and knock this all out in big fell swoops.

  1. Create a One-Stop To-Do List

moving packing tips

Having a single list to rule all lists is a fantastic way to save money. How? Time is Money. Remember that cabinet knob you left in that one kitchen drawer or that one book store you know will take that a set of novels you were going to sell? Have a list that is for everything and we mean everything. It can be 10 pages long and that’s okay. A master list serves a great purpose. When it’s done, you really will save money because your schedule will prevent you from wasting any time. Time is money, literally.

  1. Hardware Store Visit

moving tips packing

If you want to beat movers to the punch, you can pack up items yourself. Remember though, some movers may not want you to pack up items yourself so ask the hard questions upfront with your movers. This may be for insurance purposes and legal responsibility. With that in mind, if you decide not to pack but rather buy your packing materials, you may save some money as well. Nothing is too insignificant for your move.

  • Packing Tape
  • Packing Paper
  • Screws & Nails
  • Putty
  • Measuring Tape
  • Big-Honking Industrial Broom
  • Cardboard Boxes (Plastic is better sometimes, see below)
  • Light Bulbs
  • Power Strips
  • Extension Cords
  • Zip Ties
  • Washing Machine/Dryer Hose Clamps
  1. Reusable Products For The Win

tips on packing to move

Many people opt out of cardboard boxes as much as possible and pack everything they own in plastic, reusable bins. This is an absolutely genius idea. However, it costs quite a bit up front. The future savings that are not considered right now may be staggering. This may result in hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in savings. Bins can be reused during the move, after the move for office or home, and for storage purposes. Do you have seasonal decorations? Do yourself a favor and get some plastic bins with lids, pack your seasonal items in those and stack away without worrying about breaking stuff.

What about those open-top bins and lightweight baskets? Yes!!!! Use those too. Use your luggage for clothes and shoes. Use baskets and lightweight bins for items like hand towels and pillowcases. Anything that can be used or reused for your move (safely) is on the table.

  1. Electronics Configurations

tips for packing to move

If you’re an Audio/Video Technician, Information Technology professional, or master of electronics anything, then you can probably skip this part. Otherwise, don’t skip this section. TAKE PICTURES of your electronics and we mean all of them. Before taking any of your electronics apart to pack up, take pictures of the cables and write down any instructions you think are important. This will make setup a breeze.

  1. Dealing With Food

packing for a move tips

Stop buying food a week or two before you leave. If you feel that guilty, reach out to friends and family and see if they want to take any half-finished spices or bags of rice. The day before your move (now having an empty refrigerator or close to it), Defrost and wipe out the refrigerator and freezer. This prevents any gross surprises for the next person that opens that refrigerator.

Preparation is key. All of the tips outlined above fall in line with each other and help you move safely, efficiently, and saving money along the way. Some aspects of your move can be done little-by-little and others need to be knocked out large chunks at a time. Here are some other big bullet points to remember.

  • Check to see if you have original boxes for big items or electronics
  • Get moving boxes from local stores
  • Schedule Utility Shutoffs
  • Label Everything
  • Pack Dishes Vertically
  • Pack A Clear Container or Plastic Box with things you will need ASAP
  • Pack an overnight bag
  • Make copies of all important documents

The most important aspect of this whole process is to be a good host. Take care of your family, friends, and movers while on this journey, regardless of whether they are getting paid or not. Provide break food, offer to pay for everyone’s dinner, and have snacks and water available. A move is important and involves everyone, so let’s show respect and kindness for everyone involved. Moving is an involved process, and these tips are a great start. Make sure to do as much research as possible when moving.


Why Choose Hollander?

  • Over 130 Years of Experience
  • Certified Pro-Movers
  • Chicago’s Premier Mayflower Mover
  • “Service First” Attitude
  • Highly Rated Service
  • Near Perfect Delivery Record
  • Local, Long Distance, and International
  • State of the Art Tracking
  • Free and Accurate Move Estimate



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